I started out trying out to make large GIFs from existing video material, but I found them to be too reminiscent of memes i’ve found throughout the internet. I then thought it would be more interesting to use my own footage. I went out in the resulting snowstorm to try and record something of value.
The above three attempts are an observation on how technical limitations and storage space can guide the flow of information and culture. All three are fine gifs of course, but the utilization of the web compression tool limits the color gamut to only a few selections, giving the last one a posterized look. While its a simple video, I like how the aura created by a snowflake hitting the camera is expressed in each different export interpretation.

I found myself thinking of multiple ways of creating frames for a more curated GIF, with multiple softwares and techniques of manipulating photos coming to mind. I realized I still wanted to work mostly with video, so TikTok came naturally (I was probably procrastinating on it already). I then thought of interesting ways to use the tools provided within, and while I gathered not the most interesting individual clips, I think the GIF created carries a bit of the infatuative factor that people love about TikTok. I tried to emulate the sequential, random nature of a main browsing page, where it does not matter if one clip rewards instant gratification as the next is closely nearby.